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Information Fair" 


What is this Ministry?

This volunteer visits the "A&FRC Newcomers Information Fair" to represent the Catholic Community. 

Date & Time?

Every Wednesday set up and welcome newcomers starting 9:50 


A&FRC Building

Ministry Coordinator:

Sakura Duran


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What do I do as a volunteer for
this ministry?

1. Come to the Catholic Office to get the cookie mix🍪 (bake about 24 cookies.

2. Bake 2 mixes of cookies and bring them to the Catholic office during open office hours.

3. Package them into a bag with a brochure to go with it.

4. Attend the A&FRC Newcomers Information Fair on Wednesday at 09:50. Get a table and set up the Catholic Chapel display. (30min long)

5. Hand out the cookie gift and talk to the attendees and help Catholics with the community registration manually or by online. 

6. Register weekly by "Sign up genius" to participate in the Information Fair. 

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